By Andrei Piontkovsky: Still Time to Save US and Ukraine from Putin and His ‘Western’ Stooges

By Andrei Piontkovsky: Still Time to Save US and Ukraine from Putin and His ‘Western’ Stooges

July 16, 2024, 1:03 pm

With Trump reaffirming his pro-Moscow line, Biden should delay no longer and promptly hand over the reins to Harris.

Donald Trump has just picked as his running mate Senator J.D. Vance, a fierce and pathological hater of Ukraine and a key organizer of a recent five-month blockade of military deliveries to Ukraine. Vance is unlikely to bring many new votes into Trump’s camp but rather alienate some moderates.

His nomination is a personal challenge to an influential group of Reagan   School republicans (McCaul, Rogers,  Turner) who laid out their vision for the war  in a remarkable document – the “Proposed Plan for Victory in Ukraine.”

So the choice of his running mate, senseless from electoral prospects, revealed once again Trump’s «mysterious» psychological addiction to the despot in the Kremlin. Trump’s latest political gaffe makes my idea (elaborated in the previous column) on how to stop Trump and consequently win a World War even more urgent, more appropriate and more promising (!).

Briefly, the recipe for overcoming the looming disaster for all of us:

  • For reasons of health, Biden should not only step aside as a candidate but resign the presidency as well.
  • Upgrading to the President level will considerably expand the electoral potential of new candidate Kamala Harris.
  • On day one, President Harris includes the Republican «Proposed Plan for Victory in Ukraine» in her campaign platform as its key strategic element.
  • In a series of speeches, Harris positions herself as the Leader of a Free World engaged in an existential battle with the forces of absolute Evil. She passionately denounces Putin-Orban-Trump-Vance disgusting «peace plan» as a conspiracy to destroy Ukraine.
  • In close coordination with President Macron and other leaders of the Coalition of the Willing, she makes all key decisions regarding the delivery of state-of-the-art Western aircraft and technical specialists to Ukraine.
  • At the end of October, she pays a triumphant visit to Kyiv, the capital city of gallant Ukraine.

Andrei Piontkovsky

Dr. Andrei Piontkovsky is a Russian scientist, political writer and analyst, member of International PEN Club who was forced to leave Russia in 2016. For many years he has been a regular political commentator for the BBC World Service, Radio Liberty, Voice of America. Piontkovsky is the author of several books on the Putin presidency, including Another Look into Putin's Soul and Russian Identity (published by Hudson Institute). In 2017, Piontkovsky was awarded the Andrei Sakharov Prize for “Courage in Journalism.” In 2019, he was recognized by the Algemeiner publication as one of the Top-100 People Positively Influencing Jewish Life. Dr. Andrei Pointkovsky, Wikipedia

July 16, 2024, 1:03 pm
