Putin is the arithmetic average of all Russians: This war is not just Putin’s alone, - Yurii Shulipa's report at the8th Free Nations of PostRussia Forum in Paris 12.10.2023

Putin is the arithmetic average of all Russians: This war is not just Putin’s alone, - Yurii  Shulipa's report at the8th Free Nations of PostRussia Forum in Paris 12.10.2023

Yurii Shulipa - Honorary Consul of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria in Ukraine, professor and director of the International Union Institute of National Politics, lawyer, and political analyst

Putin and his inner circle do not act in empty space.
They are the arithmetic average of the moods of Russians. At the beginning of the 1990s, revanchist and expansionist sentiments began to grow in Russia among the majority of the population about revenge against the West for the defeat of the former Soviet Union in the Third World Cold War.

Putin and his administration only reinforced the Russians' sentiments of revenge against the West by active information and aggressive propaganda. They had already come to a ready ground and began to fulfill the whims of Russians.
The results of sociological surveys conducted either by sociological organizations, fully or not fully dependent on the Russian regime, or by the Federal Guard Service, show stable figures for several years.

Roughly 15 to 20 percent of Russians hate Ukraine and the Collective West, and they criticize Putin for not yet destroying Ukraine, restoring the Soviet occupation zone in Europe, or bombing Washington. This is a group of ultra fascist Russians.

On the opposite side, about 15 to 20 percent of Russians believe that the war against Ukraine and other countries is criminal, it should be ended and all captured territories of Ukraine and other countries should be liberated.
Between them in the middle of about 60 to 70 percent is the so-called deep Russian people (Glubinarii), who by their inaction or actions support Moscow's war against Ukraine and the Collective West, wish Moscow victory in this war, but do not want to kill Ukrainians with weapons in their hands.    

In law, guilt is determined by unlawful, criminal inaction, actions and (or) decisions. The overwhelming majority of Russians are inactive, approve and support Moscow's war against Ukraine and the Collective West. At least three million Russians are participating in this war in one way or another. Agreed - 3 million Russians is clearly not Putin alone.

Therefore, every Russian, regardless of his position - whether he supports the war, or he does not care about the war, or he is against the war, is politically, legally, economically and culturally responsible. It has become almost impossible for Russians to visit the countries of the Collective West. This responsibility is expressed in the form of various sanctions imposed on Russia and consequently on Russians.  

Later, this responsibility will be expressed in the form of paying Ukraine and its partners many billions of dollars in reparations for the damage caused by Russian aggression and occupation and as a reimbursement for the money spent by the Collective West to rebuild Ukraine.

Note the numerous video appeals by mobilized Russians fighting against Ukrainians and their relatives to Putin. They all ask Putin to give more shells to kill Ukrainians and to provide them with military welfare at the front. But not one of them has not made a video appeal to Putin against the war. And only the insane and unscrupulous Moscow liberals continue to deceive the public by talking about how hard it is for their "boys" in the war, instead of unequivocally and unequivocally calling Russian killers war criminals.

Therein lies the compelling answer to the question of whose war is this - Putin's war alone, or the Russians'?

Paris 12.10.2023